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Welcome to the Lore & Legend Series This epic sci-fi fantasy is a mixture of many genres, but its heart is deeply character-driven with slice of life, intricately woven with deep lore, and mysteries unfolding throughout its avenues. Features: ———————————— +Tactical Battles | +Team Strategy | +Deep Lore | +Deep Mysteries | +Crafting | +Gathering | +World Progression | +Dungeons | +Friendship | +Tech System | +Robotics | +Supernatural | +Stat System & Information | +Virtualization | +Progression System | +Itemization | +Specialized Class System | The Adventure: ———————————— +A different universe. Nowhere near Earth's existence. Not even close, but outside the dimensions of what we call, reality. ​+Massive Worlds to explore. +New and rich species of all kinds with livelihoods, cultures, and so on. +Memorable characters bursting with personality, dreams, hopes and aspirations. They exhibit their experiences, growth and memories, as the story progresses. This also includes enemies. They are not randomly dropped in for the sake of plot. ​+The elements and physics of this world are absolutely different from the realms of Earth. +Since the story is driven with slice of life, it is somewhat paced, similar to real-time in a sense, where you miss out on nothing, unless certain situations take place. ​+This story paces in such a way that you might be able to map it in your head. ​+This story is also very adventurous, containing a lot of content within each aspect of the journey. ———————————— Can it be considered a Progression Fantasy? It definitely has a lot of progression elements. Are all The Lore & Legend Series connected with each other? Yes. Does each Lore have multiple series within them? Yes, there will be multiple episodes within each Lore & Legend. The arc of the stories are far too enormous for 1 book of each. Does it have World-building? Yes. It is the core and foundation of the Worlds, and you'll get to experience every ounce of it. Is it a Portal (Isekai) Story? Too many spoilage. One must read to find. Where to start?

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