Become a Member
the Scenes

🌈 HI HELLO! This is the doodlemancy ko-fi page. If you have not been on Ko-Fi before, it's a platform where you can support creatives to get access to cool supporter-only stuff. Money you contribute here directly supports a disabled artist and her very good cat! 🌈 Ko-Fi members get... ⭐ WIPS (works in progress)! ⭐ Merch previews! ⭐ Behind-the-scenes stuff! ⭐ Members-only shop items & services! ⭐ Occasional goodies in the mail! (Internationally too!) A couple of lil rules... ❌ Please don't repost/redistribute any of my Ko-Fi content elsewhere! ❌ Ko-Fi contributions can't be counted toward Etsy purchases or vice-versa, sorry! ✔️ I'd prefer if people didn't sign up just to get one mail reward and then dip. That said: if you have to cancel, you have to cancel! Finances and interests change and that's fine; your support is appreciated while you're here. 💖 💸 One more note: PayPal yoinks a higher percentage of what you give me in fees; you can maximize your support by using Stripe to pay instead (if you're able to). 💌 HOW TO CONTACT ME: if you need to get in touch you can DM me! Scroll up, there's an envelope button up there under my header!

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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