
Hi! I currently can't use my arms for any dexterous movement or lifting without compromising my day's activity, which makes it hard to keep a steady income! Luckily my camera is pretty light. I need to upgrade cameras and get a new computer which I can use to make more content and expand into video/design and incorporate my writing for bigger collaborative efforts! Books/zines/digital shorts/physical shirts. My current camera is pretty old, and with even the upgrade from that I can shoot things well enough to sell prints. I have a laptop right now I was EXTREMELY fortunate to have received from a friend who was about to dispose of until I had mentioned not having one. As a hand me down it's fine, but it can't handle a few applications without crashing. I basically support myself and have done a lot to build a couple creative skills. I've earned a lot of opportunities on my own before, and while I hate asking, a lot of smaller costs are getting in the way of me doing more. Check out my twitter and instagram account for some of my content! Mostly images.

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