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Welcome to mdqland, where AnyMEmdq lies. I'm getting back to streaming, and I'm not happy about it, but the only way for me to attempt it is with your support. I don't know how many of you may be aware of what's going on over here, but let's say everything is going to shit on a daily basis, and it's impossible to know how much will I need for dinner. With that in mind, in order for me to have any sort of free time instead of spending every waking hour scavenging for an underpaid temporary job, I need some sort of regular income. Thus, to get a sprinkle of regularity in the mess that's streaming, I'm starting this. The purpose? Simple: Feeding the Any, and at least at the beginning, helping the Any work out the massive debt he still carries. I won't have any exclusive Patreon content, at least for the time being. This is just for those of you who can and want to throw the Any a bone. If this works, and I can regain my life, I do plan on making something here and there, but that's an long term goal. So with no more further ado, and once again, Welcome to mdqland, where AnyMEmdq lies.

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