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Silvia (Iris Threads) 🇮🇹

My purpose with this space is to leave you speechless or either amazed! Above all, I hope to make you feel welcome and understood by sharing my experiences as a neurodivergent and trauma survivor. This is your safe place other than mine 🌟 Here I share my artistic journey with you, supporting as many as I can ~☕☕☕ All the goodies in the goal are in my Throne page: If you'll gift me those items, I will use the whole amount set here to support other Ko-fi Creators 🌟 Any help will be truly appreciated, I love you ~🐱☕ Where have you been hiding? You seem lost within your body and your mind A beam of light can still remind you who you are Wounded by the world, your fragile nature needed shelter In the night we made a sanctum out of mind and out of sight Won't you let me take you there? Won't you let me take you there? Let me take you into the garden, into the garden 💐🌷 I'll be there, painting the flowers, give them color I'll be there 🌟 (AURORA - The Secret Garden)

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