Ashayla Webster

Hey folks. I've been asked a number of times if I would set up a Patreon and I keep coming back to no. I enjoy sharing with you guys, I don't want to have to limit that in order to satisfy a few. With the business of my day job and the charity work I do outside, I can't stick to the schedule that Patreon requires, which means I could not keep up with the 'rewards' for patrons. And I'm not going to give up my charity work in order to earn a few more dollars for cosplay. So, I've decided to set up a Ko-fi account. Basically, Ko-fi is a donation type system where you can support my work by 'buying me a cup of coffee'. Unlike Patreon, you are not 'rewarded' for this donation and I'm not stuck on some strict schedule. It's an entirely voluntary, no strings attached, no sign-up commitment necessary system. All funds received in this manner will go directly into creating new costumes, updating and maintaining old and, maybe, allow me to write more. So, if you would like to support my content, please follow the link. :) Thanks guys!

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
Start a free Ko-fi page
