
WHO AM I? My name is Samuel Roe, and I’ve been writing LGBT-themed fiction for the past four years under the name “Cynus”. I am roughly thirty years of age, I have an extensive background in religion and food service, and I know what it’s like to grow up gay in a community which doesn’t understand what that means. I am human, I am passionate, and I am driven. A link to all my completed stories: @AwesomeDude: @Dabeagle (Look for Cynus): @CastleRoland: @GayAuthors: @IOMfAtS: @TickieStories: @StoryLover: @RoyalRoadL: @WattPad: MY MISSION My number one goal is to help create a world which celebrates diversity instead of stifling it. I’ve always believed in the philosophy of ‘becoming the change you wish to see in the world’, and I try to live my life in accordance with my belief that the world is better off with more diversity. When I was young, I found it difficult to find relatable protagonists in the stories I read. It wasn’t the authors’ fault by any means—I’m a unique person, relating to people isn’t always my strong suit—but I always felt a little left out when I read fiction. Don’t get me wrong, there were some wonderful stories which really connected with me. Some notable characters I connected with are Andrew “Ender” Wiggin from Ender’s Game, Jarlaxle Baenre from R.A. Salvatore’s Drizzt Do’Urden series, and Simon from Lord of the Flies. They certainly existed, but I found them few and far between, and with the only exception of Ender, they rarely featured front and center in the stories. Because I’ve always felt like an outsider, and I connect with outsiders, my mission is to create protagonists for people like me: those who live outside the mainstream. I want to tell the stories which are often neglected, pushed aside in the name of either principle or profit. The goal isn’t to get rich, it’s to make good art. But I do want to dedicate my life to it, and for that there are costs. I want to be making art all the time, and I believe my message is important enough to give my constant devotion to it. HOW YOUR DONATIONS HELP At the moment, any donations go into basic necessities such as rent and groceries. All the cool staying alive stuff. But once I've made a little more, I can start hiring artists for book covers, pay for advertising on Amazon or elsewhere, and work on building a community website to support other writers and artists. I firmly believe that art has the highest chance of saving this world from itself, and the more we can invest in it, the better. I hope you’ll consider supporting me and my art. And even if you don’t, please at least take the time to experience my art and see if it makes you feel something. We all can change the world if we invest ourselves fully in the process. Peace and love to all of you. Samuel Roe

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