wyn✧⋆.*⋆ (they/them)

🌙This page was created with the sole purpose of helping myself, and my cats, get by. As I am always too sick to leave the house for long periods of time, finding a job has been reduced down to a dream far beyond my reach. Any tips, or commission money, I receive will go towards everything I, and my furry children, need in order to survive. Including, but not limited to; food, water, hygiene products, furniture and cutlery for my new place (I got kicked out on December 3rd, it's a long story), clothes and blankets, medical bills, vet visits and food for my babies, a new accessibility device (phone) for my partially blind self, and so much more. I will also be putting a small amount aside each month, or after each tip/donation/commission, if I can afford to do so, to help fund my future service dog. The organization I am going with doesn't ask the recipients for money, but there is still the matter of the dog's personal supplies, such as food and water bowls, a nice bed, a warm blanket for the colder months, a collar and a leash, toys, treats, proper working gear, regular vet visits, grooming, and things like that. If you cannot afford to tip or commission me, please, don't feel bad. We're all going through something in our lives, our own personal struggles that others may or may not know about, after all. Thank you for even clicking on my page, and checking it out, in the first place, it means absolutely everything to me🌙

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