Sam & Henry

Hello! I'm Lukas (twitter @idoIkatsudou), Sam and Henry's dad. I set up this Ko-fi to help gather a little money to help with their upcoming vet bills. Henry (1 year) is due for his neuter, first round of shots, and flea preventatives. My vet said that the approximate cost for him would be about $210 USD but could be upwards of that depending on his health. Sam (5 years) is due for his shots as well, which will likely be another $130. Any help is appreciated!! More than anything, I just want my kiddos to be happy and healthy. Any Ko-fis I receive will strictly be put towards Sam and Henry. I'm not an artist or a writer, but if you would like photos of the boys in return I would be more than happy to send them! Thank you so much <3

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