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Heyo, I'm GutchiOtaku, or you could call me T.J., and I'm thrilled to have you here. Let me tell you a bit about why I'm on Ko-fi and how your support can make a significant impact. Supporting My Creative Journey: Ko-fi is my platform to pursue my passion for creativity. Through digital art and game development, I finally wish to share this burning passion with others. Your support on this journey means so much to me. From Pixels to Playlists: My creative niche spans from 2d to 3d art, gaming, and the prospect of getting back into music. Goals Beyond Art: My main goal isn't just about art; it's about creating a better life for myself. Your generosity helps me not only pursue my creative dreams but also break free from a challenging situation. Your support can help me live life. Where Your Contributions Go: Funds received on Ko-fi go directly into projects; game development, digital art, and future merchandise. As my reach expands, I plan to use a portion of the funds for charitable causes close to my heart, like supporting neglected animals, DA organizations, and children-oriented systems, all of which I've personally experienced and can relate strongly to know how important it is to deal with those subjects. Rewards for Supporters: I'm excited to give back to my supporters. Expect perks like exclusive content, early access to creations, discounts on commissions and merch, giveaways, and collaborative opportunities in game development. We'll be in this crew together! So we can find what works best and make that happen. My Creative Journey: Creativity has always been my solace and strength. I've been crafting worlds and characters since I was a child (like most and only matured it instead of growing out of it), using art as therapy in a way. I've dabbled in coding, creating flash-games(rip), and even learned to play musical instruments, all driven by a strong desire to create. So in the End: Your support would mean more than words can express. It not only fuels my creativity but also helps me overcome challenges and build a brighter future for my time on earth. If you could understand then this is not just for me, but I hope someone even if they are not a member can find joy in what I make - even with subjects that hit close to home. I know many experienced deep hardships but wish to heal by flipping it over to the other side - that is what I want our main content to convey. And for all you "mature" people - sure, we can have fun with THAT type of content too... Thank you for being a part of my story and letting me be a part of your own.

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