
Hello! I’m Kat and my main focus is commissions. I’ve done this for about a year now and have been fortunate to do many many paid pieces for people in that time frame. I’ve developed a system that has worked best for me and what I believe is quite beneficial to the client. I will accept a comm upon seeing the character and the request, if I believe I cannot meet your request or I feel uncomfortable by it, I will politely turn down the order. If I’m happy to continue the transaction, I will either take full payment upfront or half down and half paid after the sketch phase. During the sketch phase I will provide 3 different poses. This time is very open to adjustments! But I also encourage the commissioner to speak their mind if anything feels off or they would like to include something. This transaction goes both ways! I want to give you your moneys worth, and do so with accuracy ^^! And if a client has a particular piece of art of mine they believe fits the tone or style of the comm they envision, feel free to let me know! It helps more than you may think ^^ I do a maximum of 5 sketches per client. So if the first 3 do not fit, I can provide at least 2 more. A lot of the time providing different compositions is included into my work’s prices in case anyone was curious ^^ After sketch phase is decided, I’ll clean it up and check back in. This can vary sometimes if the sketch is already clean when I sent it in the first time. Checkpoint 2 (or 3) is coloring. Typically I’ll ask if there’s a tone or mood you want to go for. When that’s decided I’ll add shading and turn it to the client for another confirmation. Styles asked for will differentiate on what comes next. Rough drawings end at the previous check in. Clean drawings will have some rendering to make it “cleaner”. Painting styles will move on to be fully rendered and additional details/textures added in. When done, I’ll check in one last time for missing traits or any adjustments. If not I’ll ask for either email or Google drive to send it through ^^ Additional charges may be included if adjustments are going to cause me extra hours. Though I have not had that happen yet ^^ nor have I had to charge anyone for adjustments since I’ve opened. Thank you for the continuous support and for considering me for a commission! I’m always honored to have my art considered for work like this. I appreciate everyone’s time and patience when it comes to me getting their request done. Thank you all once again ^^

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