Avery Lux ~ Kunstpause

Hi there, friend! Welcome to my Kofi. I am making some changes over here, letting my Kofi work alongside my Patreon with the same options and benefits for those who prefer this platform. I've always enjoyed both fantasy/urban fantasy and romance immensely, and so it was only a matter of time until my desire to write made me dip my toes into an original setting in these genres. From non-fiction professional writing to tons of fanfic, my journey has led me here, where I'm excited to share my upcoming novel bit by bit with the people who are supporting me. I'll still be writing fanfiction, of course. I don't think I'll ever stop, and you can find all of it at the usual place. <3 I don't wanna give away too much about the overarching world my books are set in to let readers discover it alongside the protagonist, but I am very happy to share that the first full novel will be released in the second half of 2023, on Amazon as an ebook or a paperback. But before that, supporters get to read it here in serialized form, chapter by chapter, ahead of time. Except for the freely available chapter one, the following chapters will be supporter-exclusively released twice per month. Everyone subscribed to my Kofi by the time the full book is published will get a copy of it for free, of course. What else will you get here: Depending on the tier, there will be Q&As, previews of future chapters, and the next books coming down the line, your name on the thank you page in my book, or even a custom-tailored short story for you. Additionally, I am planning to release general steamy shorts roughly every two months, occasionally with a poll of what specific trope or kink you guys would prefer. Schedule from the 1st of April on: - 5th of Every Month Patreon Exclusive Chapter (all patrons) - 12th of Every Month Q&A live chat for Enabler and above tiers - 20th of Every Month Patreon Exclusive Chapter (all patrons) - Roughly every two months Patreon Exclusive Short Story for Enabler and above tiers - Randomly Giveaways, special surprises Finally, if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message! Thanks again for your support, it means a lot!

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