
Hello all and welcome to my Ko-fi! The purpose of the membership tiers is to establish a regular source of support in the hopes that I'll one day be able to quit my day job. As such, I have taken care *not* to paywall any of my regular content. Finished pieces, WIPs, and commission priority will be free and accessible to everyone. The rewards I've assigned to the tiers are extras that I would not have shared otherwise. As time goes on, I'll be happy to learn and make adjustments as I get feedback and as my own needs and bandwidth change. So, right now, my goals are small. To get supporters and hopefully continue to grow my page and services. Long term, of course, I would like to shift into doing art full-time. The ultimate dream? To someday be stable enough that I can begin making my own visual novel. *Jazz Hands* I thank everyone who has taken the time to check out this page, and if you've read this--extra thanks to you. :> You're awesome.

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