Ringor Mortis

TCP TYPE DESIGNS 2 coffees = 1 tiny cat person type sketch!! these will be very quick and sketchy, but can be based on any noun of your choosing, as long as it isn't copyright/a proper noun! leave the noun(s) that you'd like in your message, and somewhere to send it to, and i'll get right to it. these TCP types will eventually be added to the TCPdex, generator, and overall canon. bringing this sketch to me when ordering a custom (currently unbased) TCP will give you a $5 discount, due to bypassing the initial design process. info about TCPs and the different type categories that exist can be found here on this website: https://tcp.carrd.co/ RANDOMLY GENERATED DESIGNS i'll bust open the morbit character generators and generate you a random design- there are Trillions of options in this thing, including TCP hybrids with conditions, anomalies, and modifiers. these will be sketched and colored! this is a huge, Huge design deal and is mainly for me to stretch my design muscles. they will be on my standard character scales as well, at 50 px per inch for TCPs, and 10 px per inch for morbitians. bringing this design to me for a more standard ref commission will get you a discount! you can (optionally) include a single word prompt along with your donation to further guide your character design. every design will be completely unique and yours! 6 coffees (18 USD)- Random Morbitian Design available species: OBJ please provide the species you'd like! 4 coffees (12 USD)- Random TCP Design thank you for your support!

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