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💌 Who are we? Bluecurse Studios is a two-person studio formed in 2018 by recursive and enralis. snacko is a product of both our passions and desires to pursue a life of making games that we find fun. ✨ Why Ko-fi? All of the revenue made from Ko-fi gets put back into our game! Currently, all funds from here go towards wages for those helping out and software costs 💖 🍰 Meowkay, cool! What do I get? Currently, because Early Access is underway and barreling towards full release, we've been highly focused on game development. The old rewards of monthly stickers are now really up to "when I have time to step away". This Patreon is now purely for if you'd like to help support development! As it currently stands, revenue from Steam is currently not in our pockets, and we're relying on our savings and Patreon/Ko-fi to bridge this period of time.

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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