YO! Welcome to my Ko-fi page! Creating art has always been my favorite thing to do, and for years It's been a joy sharing it with people! Your support means a LOT to me! Especially as an Artist, I really appreciate when someone likes what I made. This page is used for another commission payment method. But I have some other little stuff to offer!! 1 Kofi = Have 30 days of Access to high-res drawings of OC and Fanarts, also speed paint videos of the works im proud of. 3 Kofis = I will draw your desired character in a cute and simple art style, with an object/pet you desire. Here, I will also put some digital files to buy or get for free! (I'm planning to make some >:]) (ex: PDF comics, Wallpaper, etc) I appreciate all the love and support! Once again, thank you for enjoying my creations. Have an ECSTATIC day! -Alex

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