
For many years now, I have been working on an ambiguously dystopian novel and a collection of essays on utopianism and dystopianism, as assigned to me in college, but I hope to make a product for public consumption someday. I have also posted and written for my blog, The Lextopia, which I hope has entertained, educated, opened eyes, and raised questions. I may engage in some social and political activism while I'm at it. Upon completing the novel and collection of essays, I would love to make a career in writing, fiction, non-fiction, and maybe academia. My current projects don't pay the bills, so I have to work the day job. Neither does a writer necessarily make a living wage without making it big or working long long hours. It takes a fair amount of time and effort to produce and release my work. Not only should we all get paid for good work that is enjoyed, but money helps free up time for me to actually make it. Working a day job pays the bills but does leave me with little time and energy. You can help make more for you to enjoy.

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