currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False
smallthings · 1 month ago
Dear Supporters I'll be on vacation until June 9th. Any orders or requests will be processed from June 10th onwards. Thanks. Picture by jamie452 on Unsplash
currentUserOwnsFeedItem: False
thankYouIsAddedAfterRelease: False
hasSaidThankYou: False
shouldShowThankYouMessageBox: False
shouldShowThankYouCta: False
smallthings · 3 months ago
Partially assembled PCB in preparation
I am preparing a limited run on partially soldered (SMD) PCBs for the RailClock V1. Preorders are open now.
Partially assembled PCB in preparation