Lady Cucco

The Hero Of Time Saga is an animated The Legend of Zelda series about the Hero of Time's adventures from his perspective. It's a spin on the actual series as if the royal family created some adaptations to the story when passing it down as "The Legend of Zelda". That means the series plans to cover the adventure of Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and even up to Twilight Princess. As the writer, director and animator of this non-profit series, you can imagine the amount of work that is required to create it. I would love to have your support so I'm able to invest my full-time dedication into this project to make it flourish by buying me a coffee. Aside from that, the money is also being spent on hiring voice actors and other animators when necessary to make the process much faster. Make sure to watch the preview down below and if you want some more information or perhaps even join the project yourself, make sure to contact me at Thanks for reading!

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