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Sabrina Kaufmann

Hi there! I'm Sabrina Kaufmann, a mangaka & creative entrepreneur from Luxembourg. I mostly make a living selling my manga and fashion & stationary - mostly at conventions, but also online 🥰 Additionally to my Youtube videos and animations, I also post daily Shorts (FR) and Tiktoks (EN) with artist tips and freelance slice of life - I hope to create content that lifts you up, show you what's possible, and inspire you to give your own creative dreams a chance ♥ I deeply believe in free content - be it webcomics or videos, because the world needs some beauty, laughter, education, inspiration. That's why I'm committed to a "freemium" business model: my content is and will always remain free for everyone, as long as my convention and online sales allow me to keep freelancing 🎀 However, shop & con revenues are often unpredictable. Therefore, Patreon and Ko-Fi are amazing ways to keep creating with a recurring financial stability - it means more freedom and creative content for both you and me ♥ Thank you so much for making a difference with your tip 🥰 👉 (En français? RDV sur!)

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