Alex Massey

Thank you for (at least thinking about) supporting Alex Massey! If you've made it this far, you might know a little about what I do. I'm a freelance writer, and the editor of the science micro-fiction publisher the Story Seed Vault! It's been a difficult year health wise, and as much as I hate to admit it, I need some help. Having a chronic illness comes with so many hidden costs, and I'm getting to the point of being forced to choose between paying my rent, or paying to go to the physio (obviously housing wins). Just the cost a single coffee would be a help right now, particularly as I have to drop my hours at work to try and recover some strength. No fear, I will still be publishing stories over at the Vault, as the Patreon has covered the regular costs of Web Hosting, and paying Jacinta Bowler for her admirable work as my Sub-Editor. We are still a little short of goal, so if you'd like to help the Vault out specifically, head to

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