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The Jolly Jawbreaker

💜 Welcome to my Ko-fi Page! 💜 I am a Character Illustrator + Ko-fi Ambassador from Minnesota working to expand The Jolly Jawbreaker as my full-time career and self-sustained business! I love creating original illustrations, stories, and cool stickers that bring beauty into the world. Through Ko-fi, I am slowly growing The Jolly Club where members get to see my behind-the-scenes process, sketchbook, story development, and strategies on how I am developing my original series Lil Sengi while simultaneously building my dream business and holding down a full-time day job. If you wish to see more original stories and media in the world like the content I am creating, you can show your support by sharing my art and blogs, donating a taco, and or joining The Jolly Club to help independent creators such as myself bring these projects to life. Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out the world of The Jolly Jawbreaker. I hope you have a lovely day! <3

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