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the Scenes

hello!! we are BATNOISE. we're collective of creatives, with our outlets ranging in illustration to streaming, graphic design, and more. we live with dissociative identity disorder (DID) and we freelance fulltime!! BATNOISE is our collective alias. refer to BATNOISE with he/him as if we are a singular entity. WHO MAKES UP BATNOISE? [🦇] bel/mello - he/him [🔪] joshua/king - it/he [💎] cynd/crona - they/them +others! in addition to freelancing, we also create fanart and original/personal works, we're working on opening a merch shop soon, and one of us streams as well! so we decided to set up memberships so that we could continue to create content and pay rent, as well as give back to our supporters. thank you so much for your support!

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