
Hello! I made this page to ask for your support, so that I can afford to continue my advocacy work, if you are able. I have a small fixed disability income that unfortunately is not enough to live on, and I'm currently not able to work at my job because of my disability and medical EI is deducted dollar-for-dollar from disability income. Any contribution, however small, will help make that happen, and you will help me get closer to my dream of a society that is more accepting and appreciative of neurodivergent people and people with disabilities. I don’t want or need a lot of money, I just want to be able to cover food and bills and rent and to be able to afford to take care of a dog once I can get one. On top of my disability income, I need about $800 a month at least. A one time contribution helps, but I’m hoping to have some patrons that can commit to a few months or a year. For example, if just 16 people could contribute $50 a month each that would allow me to focus the small amount of energy I have on disability advocacy and harm reduction projects. Some of the things that I have been working on and will continue to work on: helping shape the content of the PeerConnect provincial peer support worker training curriculum and recently writing recommendation to revise and improve the curriculum content writing a document about harm reduction through the lens of autism for PeerConnect participating in various working and focus groups related to mental health and substance use projects in BC my YouTube series where I answer questions and share insights i’ve learned from my experience as a neurodivergent person interviewed about autism and substance use by Autism BC for use as videos for their April campaign on intersectionality I am on the advisory board and substance user expert working group for the National Safer Supply Community of Practice I am an ambassador for JAM (Just A Minute) Card in Canada to raise awareness about having this type of card here for neurodivergent people I have been having meetings with MLAs and the parliamentary secretary for accessibility about funding for autism supports and services for adults ongoing participation in 20+ research projects about mental health, substance use, and autism (ongoing about one per month) in the future I would like to start a therapeutic gardening program for neurodivergent adults I want to work on setting up peer support groups and services for neurodivergent adults facilitate support groups for autistic and neurodivergent adults If you are able to support me with a monthly donation of any amount, I will add your name to my ‘patrons’ list that I will display at the end of each of my YouTube videos (unless you don’t want me to). Any contribution though, even one time helps and is so appreciated. If you also want to keep up on what I’m working on the creative side of things, I also have my own website now: Thanks for your support, whatever form it takes!

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