Chibinendo Art

Hi, I'm Vicky, founder and creator of Chibinendo Art! 👋🏻 Chibinendo Art goes way back to 2014, and it's been a roller coaster of a journey to get to were it is now! The first chibimonster was actually created in 2017, and since then it’s been always with me. Without me knowing, it was always there reminding me what I love. I look at it and I think of the series, mangas, books, and activities that make me happy. And most importantly, it reminds me to create. I want my art to help people that, like me, have suffered or are suffering from depression and anxiety and to remind you that is time to lay back and focus on yourself for a bit. They are my totems for happiness and I hope they will also become yours! 💛 "Thanks" to my anxiety disorder I took interest in how creativity works and the types of tools and resources that we have to work through creative anxiety. From that initial research, I designed creativity workshops/sessions to create a safe space for anyone with creative anxiety or impostor syndrome (which I learnt are very much related). All the tips received from Ko-fi will help to keep up with the streaming of the sessions, editing and creating content for youtube and making more chibimonsters! More specifically, your tips will help me get new equipment for the streamings (like a good microphone or lighting); I could get a sticker printer for the freebies that I include when you adopt a chibimonster; or even get a new laptop (I love mine but it's becoming a grandpa and doesn't even stand video editing without crashing every five minutes). In return, you will gain access to behind the scenes, more detailed insight about my creating process and early/free access to digital art/merchandise! Thank you for passing by, you are already amazing for spending time reading about my project of making tools for anxiety and depression! 💪🏻✨

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