GMD Online

Treat me to a Coffee Break! Hey, why not treat me to a cuppa, and in return, I will dedicate a half-hour to producing a Product of your choice: - Campaign Setting: (LoR, Starfall, Mainframe, StarGuard, Project Pendragon) - Adventure (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supers, Other) - Guide Book (bestiary, Gear & Crafting Guide, Installations guide, Supers Guide, Fantasy Guide, Sci-Fi Guide) - Board Game (Cascade, Grid Lock, Astro Cross, Conquest, dragon rage, war core, core quest) - Miniatures (Fantasy, scifi, supers, other) - Artwork (fantasy, scifi, supers, other) Simply add your request to the comment when treating me... I will then showcase your request in the next issue and thank you personally in the Oracle FREE GMD Members Magazine.

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