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Lisa Barger

Welcome. For the better part of two decades, I was a health news blogger, covering everything from phony practitioners to food recalls to nursing home abuse cases. But by 2021 it was time--past time, really--for me to admit I could no longer keep up the pace news blogging required. That forced me to take a long, hard look at how I was going to keep my lights on and put food in my fridge. I'd been a full-time fiction writer once--could I do it again? Could I do it while dealing with a complicated neurological condition? Fast forward 10 months, and I've published 2 serialized novelettes, 2 fantasy/adventure serials, an episodic detective series and a thriller(ish) piece I'm not sure how to classify. I'm slower than molasses and rustier than a hoe that's been left outside all winter but I am writing. I hope you'll join me.

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