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Izu, The Agender Autistic Elf

I’m Jesse, an Intersex Nonbinary Sapphic. Also I am PolyAm! I’m a Black American, the child of immigrants, and a NYer through and through. My mom is Jamaican-Chinese/Black, and my Dad is also Black with Indo-Caribbean roots and from Wai‘tu Kubuli, or, as the Spanish named it: Dominica (no, not the Dominican Republic). I am Autistic. I also am an ADHDer. The way these interact, you can probably tell. It’s also a huge reason why I am bad with deadlines and why I pay the ADHD-tax on many things in my current life. (Currently unsure if I have Bipolar, but when an opening at the therapist pops up, I will ask about that). Still searching for a diagnosis for my very obvious EDS. My hips and shoulders tend to dislocate, sometimes daily, and it is starting to affect my knees, now, too. I normally use a cane, but since working again I am unable to use that ability aid as much as I need at all. I design flags and other Pride Gear, and some of them are fandom specific. I also make music with my girlfriend Odio-hime. My Music: Her Music: Every first friday is Bandcamp Friday, and it’s the best time for artists to get their music bought! My bestie and roommate is Valkyrie's Bisexual Bigender Mermaid Cove. I also write fiction on Tapas and nonfiction articles on Medium. Tapas ( Medium ( I also have a YouTube where I post my reviews and anecdotes + archives of my Lets Plays from Twitch. YouTube ( Twitch (

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