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What I Do
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Kintsukuroi GwenAnn

Many people have loved and followed my work over the years through my blog, poetry published in anthologies, content written and published online on disability issues, education, the military community, and philosophy. I am a full time barista in pursuit of a graduate degree and each piece I write that you enjoy takes at least 8 hours of work from the moment I sit down with an idea to the moment I publish, and that doesn't include the sleepless nights with an active mind or the hours spent driving or painting or crocheting while I get my thoughts together first... But none of that time is paid. Donations made on this Ko-fi site, whether one time donations or regular monthly donations, will go to supporting me while I create the content you love. Donations are used to keep food in the stomach of this starving artist and pay bills for the basics of life. Nothing more, nothing less.

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