Neil Keleher

Hi, obviously one of the reasons for this page is to get donations in the form of coffee. It may also offer a nice way to interact. So if you've got any comments or requests, then comment away. p.s. you might be wondering, what's with the profile pic? Why am I holding a sword and a brush (while in my swimming costume?) Well, a friend posted a picture of him with a pen and a sword after someone else posted a medieval picture of someone doing the same. And of course I thought it was rather silly. Why would you hold a sword while writing. Anyway, said friend posted his picture and I thought, while silly, it also looks like fun, or at least would be if I posed in my swimsuit while holding a calligraphy brush. And just for "realism" I painted my name after the picture was taken. Perhaps the idea of using this as my profile picture is to say that while I do tend to be serious in my videos and when teaching, it's also important to have fun and not take life so seriously.

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