
Greetings, everyone! I'm Prabhu Murthy, a Frontend Engineer and UX Designer with over a decade of experience. I'm the author of several popular libraries, including React-Chrono, React-Creme, React-Float-Menu, Vue-Float-Menu, Vue-Dock-Menu, and React-Visual-Grid. As a creator, I'm constantly exploring new ways to enhance the user experience and create beautiful, intuitive interfaces. My technical skills in React, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS allow me to bring my vision to life and deliver high-quality products to my clients and users. By supporting me on Ko-fi, you'll be helping me continue my journey as a creator and developer. Your contributions will help me cover the costs of software licenses, design tools, and other expenses that enable me to create the best possible user experiences. On my Ko-fi page, you can expect to see exclusive content and previews of my latest projects. You'll also have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for future projects, and connect with other like-minded individuals who share a passion for technology and design. Thank you for considering supporting my work. By buying me a coffee or two, you'll be helping me pursue my passion and deliver exceptional user experiences to the world. Best regards, Prabhu Murthy

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