Sam and Luci

Ko-fi is where we get to share more about ourselves, build our community, and be supported for all that we are creating. We are so grateful to have been able to live and share like we do thanks to generous one-time and monthly donations from beautiful friends and family like you. This support allows us to think differently about how we spend our time and what we put our attention on. This support allows us the freedom to explore our gifts, talents, and our favorite things — and share them back to the world, freely. Our vision is to find ways that we can make this work for anyone who is interested. We see humanity thriving more when everyone contributes what makes their heart sing, and we believe that by supporting people with an unconditional income they can more easily find out what that is for them. The truth is people want to contribute to humanity in meaningful, positive ways, but often they feel forced to make ends meet instead. They spend time trying to figure out how to survive instead of having the freedom to put their attention on ways to improve life for everyone. As global community leaders we see it as our responsibility and joy to spend time creating a better world for everyone. Through advances in education, agriculture and energy systems we see the world transforming into to a place where every human thrives and has the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. Why are we interested in these things? Because we have taken the time to pause and contemplate, and ask the question: what would be the thing that I would give to the world for free because it is my absolute joy to do? In 2015 we started an experiment, realizing that if we wanted to do our favorite things, we needed to do our favorite things. We knew that this would create a life that was fulfilling beyond how much money was in our bank account. It hasn’t always been easy, especially with our societal norms and conditions, but as we’ve surrendered more to trusting the unconditional support of our universe we have been blown away again and again with the generosity, love and support of our friends, family and people we’ve met for the first time. Synchronicity has taken the drivers seat in our lives. We’ve been cared for every step of the way and we’ve witnessed miracle upon miracle. The thing we’ve discovered the most is that when you give unconditionally people want to give back. Humanity wants to support itself. People are inherently loving, generous and supportive. It’s only conditioning that tells us that resources are finite and that we should be smart with how we give. Conditioning tells us that it is rational and logical to withdraw our love and support in exchange for belief in scarcity and a false sense of security. The world is inherently abundant, prosperous and infinite and we want to awaken everyone to this truth. Community-launched basic income is a huge step in the direction of making this possible. The other step is to help people unwind from a mentality of lack and scarcity that has so deeply held our society back. When people know they are supported to think creatively, to take risks, to fail, to succeed, to study, master, and share their passions, they are more creative, more innovative, and more likely to take bold, world-changing actions. Sharing from an open heart they want everyone to succeed. Competition fades into cooperation and sincere, caring communities are born. As artists and musicians we feel passionate about sharing this with people through interactive concert experiences that leave participants feeling more open, more capable, and more empowered to share their light with the world. Your support helps this mission to grow. This will be the future of our humanity, as we break down barriers that have separated us, and rediscover the links that have connected us all along. We love you. We see you. We thank you. Sam and Luci

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