Loren Greene

I'm Loren, originally from St. John's NL, and in 2020 I launched my fiction writing career with my first YA novel, Meet You By Hachiko. The reality is that indie publishing a first book, or even a second book, doesn't put food on the table. (The word is that after Book 3, you're just a hair above instant ramen.) I'm okay with living on KD instead of Pumpkin Spice if it gets my book out there. But once in a while, you know, Pumpkin Spice might be okay. That's why I set up this Ko‑fi (as well as a Patreon for regular contributions, where supporters can get advance chapters, behind-the-scenes looks and other perks), so that while I'm hedging my bets on writing for a living, maybe you'll want to throw in a little something to support me in the meantime. Thank you for stopping by!

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