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Hazu @ Skelebun Studios

Hi hello! I'm Hazu, an artist, writer, indie game dev, cat parent, elder emo, and rabbit enthusiast...among other things. I'm the creator of two visual novel series, DreamCatcher: Reflections and Play Dead! DCR is an isekai-esque fantasy adventure about a girl who actually WANTS to stay in the parallel world she's whisked away to, and PD! is a supernatural comedy about a touring band who accidentally adopt a ghost dog, and suddenly can't stop getting into paranormal shenanigans on the road. I'm also picking my way through a proper concept and pitch for a Pokemon/Digimon-inspired monster collecting game, so you can expect a lot of creature art here. This Ko-fi thing is me trying to consolidate all the different ways folks can support me and my art, whether it's by commissioning me, buying my games (even though most of them are available for free), subscribing for special perks, or just dropping something small in the tip jar--every bit helps and you'll be able to do it all here!

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