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Hello! I am Stylusboy and welcome to my Handmade Music Club. I'm Steve Jones, a singer-songwriter from Coventry in the UK and have been creating my own music for the last 10 years. Over this time I have released several EPs, 2 live albums and two studio albums. I have played many wonderful gigs in theatres, venues, people’s homes, online and even once on someone’s allotment! I’d love you to join me on my creative journey to create new songs and share them with the Handmade Music Club. Each month I’ll be sharing a live video and an exclusive song download! This is the space where I will be sharing new songs first, maybe just as early ideas or a work in progress, alongside recordings of some covers of my favourite songs. I’ll be using the money from you to pay for things like new guitar strings, my website, subscriptions for Soundcloud and my live streaming software as well as contributing to costs for creating videos and promotional photographs. I’d love to hear from you about the Handmade Music Club and the journey of creating new songs.

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