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Iris Chen

Hi there! I am Iris Chen, the face behind Untigering. Thanks for checking out my Ko-fi! Back in 2017, I started a blog to document my shift from authoritarian, achievement-focused tiger parenting to peaceful parenting and unschooling. I was on a journey of decolonizing myself, my parenting, and my thoughts on education as a Chinese American. Along the way, many of you have joined me and your support and solidarity have encouraged me to continue to share my story. Nowadays, I spend my time posting daily peaceful parenting/unschooling resources on social media, moderating the Untigering Parents Facebook group, and promoting healing for ourselves and respect for children through blog posts, podcast interviews, articles, conferences, and of course, my book, Untigering: Peaceful Parenting for the Deconstructing Tiger Parent. I have plans for future projects as well--getting Untigering translated into Chinese, recording the audiobook, writing an unschooling book, and building partnerships with other self-directed, liberatory-focused communities. If you’ve gained any value from my work, I invite you to join my Ko-fi to help me continue to create content and resources that both empower parents and advocate for children, especially for Asian communities. Your regular gift will help me have a sustainable income while maintaining my life, work, and relationships in a way that aligns with the values I teach about. Plus, it will allow me to provide more services and benefits to you on your untigering journey. Gotta love that! I look forward to fostering more connection with you. ❤ Thank you so much for all your support! With much appreciation, Iris

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