2 Chicks Going Green

These tips and donations help us to focus more on our channel content & helps keep our channel going. We put a lot of time and effort - and sweat and tears, if we’re being honest - into our content, as well as research for our videos. It will also help to keep our opinions honest and unsponsored when it comes to eco-product reviews! This page is a way for us to get some support for what we do on our channel, so we can keep on doing it :)! You can show your support by buying us a coffee, or two, once in a while - or as much or as little as you would like! AND just by joining our little Kofi community, you’ll also have access to some extended content and some added benefits like future video polls (so you could have some say in future videos)!… And over time we’ll do some more fun stuff like Q&A’s and giveaways! So stay tuned!

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