Coraline Caroline

Coraline Caroline Illustrator based in Naarm/ Melbourne, Australia. Who loves all things Witchy. She loves to add just a bit of Magic to her works. The Story begins in 2014, Karen was just a dreamer, a little tiny seeding, just a sprout. She had many ideas but didn’t know where to start her art journey. In her budding days she studied Graphic Design, she worked on a project on creating an brand image. There she came up with Coraline Caroline, something started to bloom. Dipping her toes in the world of art, she started doing local conventions in 2015, sharing her table with many other art enthusiast. So she started to grow a little, occasionally a little wilted. Throughout her journey she met lots of fantastical and wonderful people in her life, that has made her bloom into the kind of artist she is today. She is still learning and growing today until she reaches for the stars.

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