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What I Do
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Thanks so much for visiting my Ko-fi! I’m Sarah, a writer, crocheter, artist, seamstress, and all round crafter. 📝 By supporting me on ko-fi, you’ll be helping me a lot to fund things to make my crafting easier. 🧶 Things you will see here are listed below: - Crochet projects - Sewing projects - Writing projects and updates 📚 Membership tiers will garner the following rewards: - Bookworms: You’ll get a monthly newsletter, which will reflect on the past month. 🎨 Visiting my commissions, you can either commission a writing piece or some crochet. The writing is minimum 1000 words, with additional costs for extra words. Crochet can either get a small figure or a keychain. 🎤 Currently our goal is to raise money for a boom arm so I can record videos with the microphone closer to my mouth! ♥️ I’m so glad you’re joining me on this journey! When you are able, hit that donate or membership button and we can get started on achieving our goals!

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