
I'm an aspiring television screenwriter specializing in children's programming - specifically animation. On the side, I run a roleplay blog and continue to develop new and old fanfiction ideas to better understand the best ways to use verb tenses (scripts are written in present tense) and organic character interactions. Sometimes, I draw! I'd just like to continue doing what I do without constantly stressing and trying to avoid this type of writing because it doesn't help with income. I don't work a lot of hours and attempts to get a second job have fallen flat. All donations will be put towards my incoming move out in early August and carrying over to that first job on the other coast. I'll receive a stipend, but it's small enough to have me once again searching for a second job and prepping for 54 hour weeks again (previous having done so for about a year in Boston). Any and all donations are greatly appreciated but please, never feel obliged to. I'm not desperate and I'm not in danger, I'm just nervous due to my mom's own anxieties. You always come first to me. I want you to be comfortable, have food, have a home, etc. before you even think about clicking that button. You don't owe me anything. I want you to do it if you are in a position to do so and want to. Thanks so much for reading and supporting me on the blog! Because that really means the most to me.

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