
***UPDATE: Headcanon commissions paused until further notice. All Ko-Fis received between August 19, 2020 and March 4, 2021 have been refunded.*** Hello you. I like writing stories based in fandoms from various games, anime and movies that I enjoy. Sometimes dirty. Mostly dirty. But it's fun dirty. Since I first started my Ko-Fi, I've gotten a full-time job, but it's not without its problems to say the least, and I still have a second one on the side. And my recent foray into resin crafts has only added to the need for funds to get my small business off the ground, but I'm determined to make it and writing both work. If you feel like sending a coffee my way, such generosity would hugely be appreciated! But if you've read my stuff and enjoyed it, that's already a huge boon to me and you're an awesome-o! (*^ω^*)

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