Coastal Creature Works

Hi welcome to my ko-fi. It's a easy way to show your support and help insure that I can continue along my artistic journey. My entire life all I've wanted to do was create whether it be writing, animating, costuming, illustration, acting or filmmaking. I've had a passion for bringing what I envision in my mind's eye to life. Along the way I've had to adapt to a visual impairment, and other health problems that have only made me more driven to create and learn new techniques than ever. Whether I'm working with a pencil, photoshop, a needle and thread or any other tool your tips will allow me to buy supplies, take time to further develop my craft and keep following my dreams. Also in more recent dire times, build up a savings so I can move out of a toxic enviroment. If you like my work please consider dropping me a Ko-Fi tip. Any amount'd be appreciated and beyond helpful. Feel free to check out my gallery and Social media accounts.

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