英港人貓誌 British Hong Kong Meow

序言 Prologue 「英港人」是我的身份──居於英國、生於香港,糅合兩種文化的獨特「人種」。 「英港貓」可視作新「貓種」──從香港被帶到英國,疊埋心水扮英短的短毛家貓。 這裏透過文字和影像,分享我和貓咪移居英國的小故事。 Being a British HongKonger is my identity. Born in Hong Kong and living in the UK, I hold a unique cultural blend of both both places. My cats, British Hong Kong Cats, were brought to England without a choice, but they now happily embrace their newly adopted 'British Short Hair' personas. I share on this site stories about our life in the UK.

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