
Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my Ko-Fi page! ~~~~~~~~~~Who are you?~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Derek, but everybody calls me Turtle. I am a content creator, live streamer, software preservationist, emulation enthusiast, and social media consultant. I currently live in the United States. Here is a link to all my social media and support links: ~~~~~~~~~~What is Ko-Fi?~~~~~~~~~~ Ko-Fi (pronounced like "koh-fee") is a financial contribution platform like Patreon, Fanhouse, BuyMeACoffee, LiberaPay, DonorBox, SubscribeStar, etc. They allow one time contributions as well as recurring (monthly) contributions. They also have integrations with most popular social media, and assets for streamers. The community has also built a lot of tools for Ko-Fi, so that's another reason I like this platform over others. You probably know other creators who are on Ko-Fi, it's a very popular platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~What do you do?~~~~~~~~~~~ To be frank, quite a lot! I like to dabble in many things because it keeps things interesting and I can take breaks from projects if I get burnt out or am struggling to progress in a particular project. One thing I love to do is create content and stream live on Twitch! Currently I like to make tutorial videos about emulation, software, technology, and various other topics. When I live stream on Twitch I tend to play competitive shooters, and I also do let's plays. Another huge facet of my life is emulation and preservation. It can be hard to explain exactly what preservation and emulation are, and why they are important, but I'll try to be brief and make it as easy to understand as I can. Emulation at the most basic level is running software meant for another computer, game console, phone, etc. on a completely different device. So for example running Sony PlayStation games on your smart phone, or running Nintendo Wii games on your PC. Not only does this mean that when there are no working game consoles left we still have a way to play these games, but we can add a ton of extra features and options that wouldn't be available on the real hardware. Preservation has a lot of the same goals as emulation, but emulation is part of preservation. Preservation is basically ensuring that a piece of software, film, literature, art, music, etc. is preserved in its entirety. For example, ripping a CD or DVD to your computer is kind of basic way of preserving them, because even if you lose the CD or DVD, you'll still have the ability to view the contents. True preservation in my opinion would also mean scanning the game manuals, cartridge front and back, box art, and taking high-resolution pictures of the printed circuit board, but for some it's just to have the game data. Just like with any hobby, different people have different goals. I also like to contribute to free and open-source projects whenever I can. I have opened issues and pull requests in some pretty popular projects, including emulators, media tools, homebrew applications, web browsers, and more. [place holder for unannounced project] Last but not least, this page is also a hub for supporting me in general. If you want you can think of it like buying me a coffee or paying for my lunch. I have been unemployed since 2016. I've never quit looking for work, but due to the economy, my location, and other factors, I just haven't been able to find work. I do odd jobs occasionally for some money and I've been selling things I don't need/want anymore to help with the cost of living, but that only goes so far. I also have a work injury from 2016 that I still haven't treated because I don't have health insurance and medical bills are already astronomical with insurance, let alone without it. I'm sure many of you know how all that is. ~~~~~~~~~~~Why should I contribute to your page?~~~~~~~~~~ Great question! If you want to support me and what I do, or if you just would like to send some contributions my way just as a small token, those are both good reasons. But if you enjoy open-source projects, emulation, preservation of history and art, those are also great reasons to contribute! ~~~~~~~~~~How are my contributions divided up and/or what do my contributions go to?~~~~~~~~~~ The way Ko-Fi works doesn't allow you to contribute towards specific aspects of what I do, but that's intentional on my part so that I can better divide it up to be the most useful. I will pretty much always have a current Ko-Fi goal for something I want, whether that is a PC upgrade, something I need for emulation research or preservation, or something that needs replaced when it breaks that's important. For my content creation and live streaming, usually money goes towards PC upgrades, software, and assets to make my content more professional. For emulation and preservation, I am usually looking for tools and hardware to dump games and assist me with research. PC upgrades can also help with this, such as decreasing the time it takes for certain emulated systems to cache shaders and such. [place holder for unannounced project info] Another thing I may occasionally spend money on is just regular things like food, clothes, housewares, bills, taxes, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~What do I get for contributing to this page?~~~~~~~~~~ This part is really hard for me to be perfectly honest. Some creators will do things like give you physical items at certain tiers, make things for you, etc. While I do have some creative skills for sure, I don't think I am ready to handle that at the moment. What I will say is that every single contributor gets a Discord role, and access to the supporter Discord channels. These are private channels for Twitch subscribers, Ko-Fi supporters, Discord Nitro gifters, etc. Basically if you contribute in any way, you will get this Discord role. In these channels I tend to talk about my next projects, post WIP stuff, and talk about what I'm up to. In the future I may do tiers and have certain tiers for things like one-on-one consulting, stream reviews, etc. I do social media consulting as a side job currently. Anyway, thanks so much for reading! If you made it this far, I really appreciate it and I hope you are doing well and staying safe! Hope to see you soon! 😄💚🐢

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