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Adam Auron Lodestone aka The Awetist

What do the funds help support? Aside from helping to supplement my very humble income in order to help cover living expenses and internet service, funds go towards the regular replenishment of art supplies and paying subscription fees for various apps and platforms. Helping us meet our daily needs and cover the expenses of creative tools means I can keep manifesting art. Among my creative goals: I already generate a weekly comic strip ~ The Triumph of Small Things ~ featuring Neurodivergent/Otherwise Disabled characters and hope to one day publish the collection in a printed paperback coffee-table book. Another project that is currently in progress is what I call a hybrid novel. This personal memoir is a mingling of non-fiction and fantasy and integrates literary narrative, graphic novel art panels, and will ~ in its finished form ~ incorporate multisensory components. I hope to one day have this work published, as well. Your contributions also help me save up for printing and publication costs for the above-mentioned projects. A little support goes a long way and any offering ~ large or small ~ is deeply appreciated.

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