
If you enjoy my art and want to show it with a bit extra or can't afford a full commission right now, then support me on Ko-fi! All proceeds go to helping me fund my art projects (Producing Merch like books, prints, stickers etc), giving back to the community/causes, my family thriving (Husband & elderly 15 year old dog), and staying motivated! When you donate, be sure to message me for your pencil-only sketch! ( Your OC, favorite character, pet, animal, dinosaur, monster, kaiju, etc.) I do not offer inks on Ko-fi! If you want my inking, please contact me for a commission- I have provided several ways to do so. Sketch requests will overall not be as detailed or finely polished as a commission! Also note that higher donation amounts & repeat donators are more likely to receive more details with their sketches. 👀 Visit my gallery for examples of previous sketches that went to patrons of my Ko-Fi! I have stipulations on Ko-Fi sketches and have a list of what I will/will not do, so if you are unsure of something, feel free to ask first! Ko-Fi tips are non refundable! While I'm a creature/monster artist first, I can do humanoid/mecha if I approve of it. Additionally, If you want the original sketch and live in the U.S.- let me know and pay for shipping so I can mail it to you. I have no waitlists or slots on Ko-fi requests. When you donate, you get cool art (once you tell me what you want)- It's that simple! You can also request to not receive artwork if you intend your donation to be a gift or just want to leave a small "Thanks- Keep on creating" tip. Wait time is fairly quick, but please don't rush me! Both New & Returning donors are welcome! I appreciate it & Thanks if you contribute! Be sure to visit my Official site and other socials for more art and ways to contact me for commissions! Updated Price guideline for Ko-Fi sketches: $3-9: Bust/Head of a single complex character (If small or simple character- full body) $10-$14: Half body of a single complex character (If small or simple character- full body) $15+: Full body of a single character, any size. *Any tip above $35 can qualify as a commission if you choose- this includes basic line art inks. Depending on the donated amount, full inking can be considered. Additionally, you can also request multiple full body characters in pencil! I might even post the pencil stages on my Ko-Fi!

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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