Healing Doodle

I’m Susan B. Welcome to my Ko-Fi page. What you'll find here is my shop, featuring handmade pendants I've made from my original hand drawn artwork. I've also put images in the Gallery. I've had Ko-Fi for a while, but I'm really just beginning to use it, and look forward to adding content. But it’s not necessary to purchase my pendants to be a supporter. You’ll find plenty of free content in my blogs, videos, course, and podcast, and pretty much all of my art is on Instagram @healingdoodle. If my written content or art resonates with you, please consider a small contribution. Any gesture of support will mean a lot to me and as a thank you, you'll receive a PDF version of my book, "The Sum of Our Parts," containing my art illustrating 56 writings about emotional sobriety, chronic illness, and the mind-body connection. Thanks for stopping by! To learn more about my work and the handmade pendants, check out the video below. ↓

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