Nush And Doza

Hey! Welcome to our Ko-fi page! 😎 We're Nush & Doza. 💕 We joined Ko-fi because we want our passion project to be our full time dream gig! We spend a lot of time and whole-heartedly enjoy creating Nush & Doza related content more than our "day jobs" as freelancers (who's wages fluctuate constantly 🙃), and with enough support, we'll be able to provide more frequent and varied content! ❤️ We know it might not seem like a lot, but a little truly does go a long way to help creators like us! Even as little as $1 would help us immensely. Imagine if 500 incredibly amazing globs in the globiverse donated even just $1 a month - that would be $500 monthly that will help us stress less about life's expenses and really focus on creating more, purchase/stream more videos games that are constantly recommended to us, and ultimately do so much more for this lovely community! 🥰 From the bottom of our hearts, we are eternally grateful and honestly do appreciate any amount you're willing to give! If you aren't able to give monetarily, you can still support us by liking/sharing our content on social media, checking out our live streams and videos on YouTube, and even joining our Discord for other community happenings. 🥳 We hope, and want, to always make Nush & Doza content for the rest of our lives, and your support all goes back towards helping us achieve that life goal and dream! Thank you! 🥰

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