Become a Member

🟦Hello! I'm Elthen. I've been a pixel artist since 2016. I'd like to share my assets with you here on ko-fi. 🟦Here's how this works: 🔹Each month, throughout the month, I'll create and post five pixel art assets to my ko-fi shop. You'll be able to directly buy them if you'd like, or, if you become a member, you'll get %100 discount on monthly assets depending on your membership tier. Two of these characters will be small, two will be medium and the last character will be a big one. 👾I Want Them Small Monsters! Tier👾 🔹This tier will unlock small characters of previous and current month. Small characters are usually close to 16x16 pixels but are not limited to that size. 👾Medium Is Better! Tier👾 🔹This tier will unlock medium characters of previous and current month. Medium characters fit into a 32x32 pixel canvas, and again, can be slightly bigger or smaller. 👾Bring All Sizes! Tier👾 🔹This tier will unlock big characters of previous and current month. Big Characters fit into 64x64 pixel canvas. And you guessed it, they can be slightly bigger or smaller. 🔹Occasionally instead of a big character there will be a tileset. 🔹After two months, the assets will be rotated out. Missed a character you wanted? No worries, all membership tiers will give you %20 discount on all shop items. 🔹All membership tiers also gives you access to the ko-fi supporter only channel on my discord server! 🆓Hey while you are here, don't forget to check out the free assets!🆓 Happy developing!

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