Zoe Brook

Zoe brook is a queer writer and stagehand in the Pacific Northwest. They write novels and short stories frequently involving romance, fantastical worlds, sexiness, and surrealism. They write to themes of queer joy, redemption, mundane magic, and unusual bargains. On Ko fi you may read their words and musings, for a small price. Don’t worry too much, it’s probably not a soul contract. “Don’t encourage them. Don’t hoarde books. Don’t amass an army of crows. Don’t run away to the forest to live with the witches.” It’s terrible advice, really. From nonsense people who don’t live for delight or astonishment. I intend to be a menace. A joyful threat. To find a home for my works, words, and musings. It could be yours? I am here to find you, enthusiastic reader. May you be dragons of books, stones, or tiny sharp knives, crows are cool. Become one with the magic in the forest. *Do encourage them.*

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